Illustrator Tutorials

 First video: 

    Learned the basics on how to get started with using Illustrator and shortcut keys to click. For example, clicking "command N" will create a new document or "command S" to save your work. Also learned how to pan around my project by holding down the space bar and clicking on the project. Then he went into explaining the tools and where they are located and how they are used. 

Video 1

    The second video I watched explained tips for using Illustrator from a graphic design student. She recommends working on an artboard that is 1080x1080 pixels because she finds it easy to start with. I found it interesting to learn about the live shape tool because it allows you to roughly draw the shape then it fills it in for you. She advises that you learn to use the pen tool because there are so many things you can do with it. 

Video 2

    The third video I watched was another tips and trick video. She mainly focused on combining shapes and colors to make a new object. I found this very cool and will definitely be beneficial in creating some projects like Logo and self portrait. She showed how to put one object ontop of another and then how to make the object look like a cut out. This tool will be good to use for creating letters out of shapes. 

Video 3


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